In 1983, Kevin Hickman, a private detective who would later become a co-founder of Ryman, was asked to investigate a resthome fire in Christchurch.
“To me it was crazy, the standards were so poor. The fire was in an old villa and there were four people to a room all with shared toilets,’’ Kevin recalls.
“I thought, what would I want for Mum? I’d want a single room, with an attached ensuite. Not a shared ensuite, because that creates enormous problems.’’
Our villages offer living options to suit everyone, so you can choose the lifestyle that’s the best fit for you.
Taking the first steps in finding your retirement lifestyle is an exciting time and we’re eager to tell you more.
Contact usOur business model revolves around care. We have had a profound impact on improving the quality of life of older people.
Investor centreAt Ryman, the measure of a full life is one that gets richer with age. This sentiment is shared by everyone who works here.
Ryman careersPhone: 0800 588 222
Christchurch office: 03 366 4069
PO Box 771, Christchurch 8140
New Zealand