Your online destination for an active body and stimulated mind.
Discover easy-to-bake, delicious muffins from Ryman’s Food Services Chef, Matt Orr. They’re perfect with your morning coffee or afternoon cuppa, and our favourite new addition to our assisted living winter menu.
Follow Matt’s simple steps to make these mouth watering muffins at home, or stop by one of our popular onsite village cafés for a barista coffee and a delicious treat.
Residents in our assisted living apartments enjoy tasty snacks like these for morning and afternoon tea, as well as a delicious and nutritious two-course meal at lunch time.
Find more about our Ryman menu and assisted living offerings by requesting a free Ryman Guide here.
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From delicious recipes, travel and gardening to interesting tales from our Ryman residents. It's your online destination for bright ideas, a stimulated mind and an active body.
Phone: 0800 588 222
Christchurch office: 03 366 4069
PO Box 771, Christchurch 8140
New Zealand