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Featuring ingredients found in most home or community vegetable gardens, this dish can serve 8-10 as a side dish or fewer as a main meal.
50g mixed seeds (suitable seeds: sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds)
¼ tsp chili flakes
2 tbsp honey
250g ricotta
½ lemon, zest and juice
3 tbsp high-quality olive oil, plus extra to serve
3 medium courgettes, thick diagonal slices
400g runner beans
Sea salt, crushed
Pepper, freshly cracked
Toast the seed mixture in a dry pan until they start to pop.
Stir in honey, chilli, and a good pinch of salt. Once the seeds form sticky clusters, tip them onto a non-stick surface and set aside.
Mix lemon zest and salt and pepper (to season) into the ricotta, then set aside.
Toss the courgettes and runner beans in the olive oil and season the mixture with salt and pepper.
Bring the BBQ plate to heat then cook the courgette and bean mixture until charred and still lightly crunchy.
Spread the ricotta mixture along the bottom of a large sharing platter and place the courgette and bean mixture on top.
Drizzle the lemon juice over the dish and scatter the seed clusters.
Finish the plate with a drizzle of fresh olive oil and a scatter of sea salt.
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