
Hello Cambridge – here we come!

26 Jan 2023
Villages | 2 min read

Hello Cambridge – here we come!

Ryman Healthcare has unveiled plans for its latest village in Cambridg...

02 Dec 2022
Grace Joel | 5 min read

Tears flow at Grace Joel as penpals finally meet

There were emotional scenes at Ryman Healthcare’s Grace Joel Retiremen...

18 Nov 2022
Ryman news | 4 min read

Grace Joel gets an original Grace Joel for 20th birthday

Grace Joel Retirement Village received a very special present to celeb...

15 Nov 2022
Resident stories | 3 min read

Workshop projects give Hugh purpose

Celebrating his 90th birthday at Bruce McLaren Retirement Village, res...

07 Nov 2022
Resident stories | 4 min read

David’s labour of love transforms into a real page-turner

Linda Jones resident David McWha and his wife Cherry have captured a s...

27 Oct 2022
Resident stories | 4 min read

Christmas came early for Bob Clarke!

The promise of a coffee date with his daughter in the village centre a...

27 Oct 2022
Resident stories | 3 min read

Everywhere he goes… John always takes the weather with him

He might be entering his 10th decade, but Bob Owens resident John Maun...

27 Oct 2022
Resident stories | 3 min read

Line dancing Lorene brings joy and music to Hilda Ross

Hilda Ross resident Lorene Elliot got her first taste of village life ...

26 Oct 2022
Evelyn Page | 3 min read

Feather boas and fancy frocks out in force for Priscilla first night

It was hard to spot any first night jitters under all the glitter and ...

About Ryman Healthcare:

Ryman was founded in 1984 and has become one of New Zealand’s largest listed companies. The company owns and operates 45 retirement villages in New Zealand and Australia which are home to more than 13,900 residents and the company employs 6,800 team members.

Media advisory: For further information, photos, interviews or comment please contact our media team on