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Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Online

April 24, 2020

How would you like an orchestral performance in your living room? Well, you’re in for a treat! The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra is delivering just that via YouTube. Soak up the magic of archived MSO performances and experience music that will take your breath away. Feel like an audience member as you watch this orchestra’s unmatched energy. And while you watch, remember that you’re sharing each moment with other orchestra lovers at home around the world.

Pretty young woman listening to music, instruments concept
Professionally filmed with impressive audio, you can watch the shows at your leisure. Simply click the performance you’d like to view at https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMSOrchestra and click the large red arrow if it doesn’t play automatically. To learn more about the orchestra and performance you’re watching, click ‘Show More’ on the description below the video. Then sit back, relax, and drift away with the MSO.

The MSO isn’t the only cultural institution to offer online access. Zoos are live-streaming their animal enclosures, art galleries and museums have opened their virtual doors, and orchestras, theatres, and dance companies are sharing their performances online with the world. Here are some links to get you started.

Georgia Aquarium: https://www.georgiaaquarium.org/webcam/ocean-voyager/

Smithsonian: https://naturalhistory.si.edu/visit/virtual-tour

Sistine Chapel: http://www.museivaticani.va/content/museivaticani/en/collezioni/musei/cappella-sistina/tour-virtuale.html

Louvre: https://www.louvre.fr/en/visites-en-ligne

British Museum: https://britishmuseum.withgoogle.com/

Great Wall of China: https://www.thechinaguide.com/destination/great-wall-of-china

Yellowstone Park: https://www.nps.gov/yell/learn/photosmultimedia/virtualtours.htm

Broadway HD: https://www.broadwayhd.com/

Theatre: https://www.digitaltheatre.com

Photo by Larisa Birta on Unsplash