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Spotlight on Adrienne Sincock - Clinical Manager, Diana Isaac village

Written by Alan Wood
on December 14, 2022

During her healthcare career Adrienne Sincock has witnessed the growth of two of Ryman’s larger Canterbury villages, sidestepped the effects of earthquakes, and most importantly helped support and develop a caring culture for Ryman residents and team. 

It was a chance job at Christchurch Hospital that led Adrienne down the path of caring for others. Having left school as a 17-year-old her shorthand and typing skills secured her a job at Christchurch Hospital.

From there she knew her next career step needed to be nursing. Adrienne attended Christchurch School of Nursing and trained as a General Registered Obstetric Nurse, a time she recalls fondly. 

Adrienne has a wealth of experience gained from many roles she has held including working in the Renal Laboratory at Christchurch Hospital, doing research work for antenatal patients and nursing in a medical centre.

She then returned to hospital nursing at Burwood, where she worked part time on night shift while her children were young. Adrienne spent nearly 20 years with Nurse Maude Hospital before moving on to other rest homes and care facilities in senior nursing roles. 

Her early days at Ryman Healthcare came after an interview with Barbara Reynen-Rose in 2006. She Adrienne was appointed to the role of Clinical Manager at Anthony Wilding. Fast forward six years and Adrienne moved across to Diana Isaac and set up their new care centre.

Adrienne developed great working relationships with Village Managers including Liz Dilger, Jenny Thiele, Tracey McCullough and much more recently Steve Wakeman.  

The early days were good ones. “I felt it was a caring culture and that Ryman needed staff that really aspired to do the best job they could” she remembers.

That umbrella, provided by Ryman as a whole, to provide a reassuring presence for both residents and team has not changed, she says.

There is never a feeling that you are on your own, which can happen in smaller care organisations. “It’s just our culture at Ryman wanting the team to give the best care that can be provided and we are given the resources and support to do so.” 

Diana Isaac is the training ground for Ryman Clinical Managers and Unit Co-ordinators. 

As a result of this, Adrienne has coached and mentored many senior people that remain in the Ryman business today.

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Adrienne likes the collaborative nature of Ryman and likes providing good-hearted advice and support. “It’s about CMs being everywhere. It’s not just a job behind a desk.” 

Village Manager Tracey McCullough says she feels blessed to have had the opportunity to work with and learn from Adrienne over the past 3.5 years.  “Adrienne is one truly amazing lady - kind, caring, patient, compassionate, driven and motivated.  It’s been an absolute pleasure to work alongside her.  and I wish Adrienne all the very best for her retirement.” 

Adrienne retires this week after 16 years with Ryman Healthcare. Adrienne knows she is leaving team members at Diana Isaac Retirement Village in good hands.  “We have a fabulous team. I think our culture here and our nurses are amazing.  They’re kind and they’re caring. I can leave here knowing that they will make the right decisions.” 

Adrienne is now thinking about life beyond Ryman and spending more time with her family including her husband, two sons and six grandchildren. But, of course she will miss Ryman.

“I’ll always have very fond memories of all my time here. I’ll feel a bit sad when I go.”


Adrienne, thank you for everything you have done for our team and our residents over the past 16 years.  May you have a long, happy, healthy, and fulfilling retirement. 

About Ryman Healthcare:

Ryman was founded in 1984 and has become one of New Zealand’s largest listed companies. The company owns and operates 45 retirement villages in New Zealand and Australia which are home to more than 13,900 residents and the company employs 6,800 team members.

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