Latest Ryman news

Sharon gets mystery shopped

Written by Maryvonne Gray
on May 03, 2019

Sharon gets mystery shopped
….by the village namesake!


Sales advisor Sharon Tainui had the ultimate mystery shopper experience on just her third day of selling at the River Road site.

Two ladies arrived asking for information about the village and Sharon, who has come up to Hamilton from selling Bob Scott in Petone, happily obliged.

It was only at the special naming event later that day that she realised who one of the ladies actually was – none other than the new village namesake Linda Jones!

“I couldn’t believe it!” she said later. “I actually thought I had a couple of good prospects as well!” she laughed.

Linda was certainly impressed by Sharon’s efforts. After her identity was revealed she got up in front of the audience and told Ryman’s chief executive Gordon MacLeod how fantastic his staff were and how helpful and informative her experience had been.

After getting off to such a flying start, Sharon is even more certain she has made the right move by coming north to the Waikato.

Her life at Ryman began in June last year after her sister-in-law Leanne O’Meara, the sales advisor at Ryman’s Bert Sutcliffe village in Birkenhead, suggested Sharon would be a great fit with the company.

“I said I would really like to do that. After doing real estate this has been really nice, being able to help people and be part of their journey.

“I like how you are guiding them through the process and sometimes that can be a couple of years, it’s such a big decision. So it has to be a nice softly, softly approach, you can’t be pushy.

Sharon says her background in real estate and property management was the perfect lead-up.

“But here you still have that relationship with them when they have moved in whereas real estate it finishes with them and you’re onto the next.”

Moving up to the Waikato after spending her whole life in the Hutt Valley has been a huge step out of Sharon’s comfort zone but along with her three grown up daughters she says it was the residents she met that actually inspired her to be brave.

“This role has given me a different perspective on life. All around me are these beautiful people who are 70-plus, they’re active and living life.

“It’s made me reassess my life and think ‘I’m going to live like that.’”

Sharon is enjoying working with fellow sales advisor David de Veth who she says has similar ideals to her and is looking forward to helping the first lot of residents move into their new homes.

“It all boils down to building those relationships for me, not only with the residents but the staff as well.”

Sharon is also keen to make more time for her favourite sport, golf, and is delighted to see the great choice of golf courses in the area.

“That could be my community event, with the ladies,” she says, suddenly inspired.

Beaming, she adds: “It’s so fun going off to work every day. I get up in the morning and think ‘yeah, I’m off to work!’”

About Ryman Healthcare:

Ryman was founded in 1984 and has become one of New Zealand’s largest listed companies. The company owns and operates 45 retirement villages in New Zealand and Australia which are home to more than 13,900 residents and the company employs 6,800 team members.

Media advisory: For further information, photos, interviews or comment please contact our media team on

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