Latest Ryman news

Melanoma van launches in Mission Bay

Written by Ryman Healthcare
on February 05, 2021

Melanoma New Zealand is excited to launch its new dedicated mobile spot check van, enabling New Zealanders around the country to have free skin cancer spot checks.
“We need to prevent New Zealanders suffering and dying from this terrible disease,” says Melanoma New Zealand Chief Executive Andrea Newland. “Our new spot check van is a superb educational resource and will be critical in our fight to save lives.”
“We have the worst rate of melanoma in the world – more than 4000 New Zealanders are diagnosed each year with melanoma and over 300 will die from it. More people are dying from skin cancer in New Zealand than on our roads.IMG_8179 (1) (Large)“The purpose-fitted van, which has been generously donated by Ryman Healthcare, will travel to communities around New Zealand with Melanoma New Zealand’s dedicated Nurse Educator, to provide free spot checks and raise awareness about the importance of early detection and prevention of melanoma. Local doctors and nurses from the regions we visit will also be joining our Nurse Educator in the van,” says Ms Newland.
“Ryman Healthcare is proud to support Melanoma New Zealand as its Annual Charity Partner for 2020-2021 and this van will be a real asset Melanoma New Zealand’s important work in communities right across the country,” says Ryman Healthcare Corporate Affairs Manager David King.
IMG_8209 (1) (Large)“In addition to the van being available to the general public, we are delighted many of our residents and staff will also be able to get spot checks on the van as well as learning to look out for anything new or changing on their skin, and how to keep themselves safe in the sun, he said.
“Our team includes a large number of builders and gardeners who work outdoors, so we are encouraging them to have a spot check along with our residents.”
Andrea Newland adds: “Spot checks are a great way to engage in conversation about the importance of early detection, however regular full body skin checks are still recommended. If caught and treated early enough, melanoma is almost always curable. We need to work together to try to turn around New Zealand’s terrible statistics, and we are so grateful for Ryman Healthcare’s support to help make this initiative happen.
IMG_8188 (1) (Large)“The van will enable us to reach many New Zealanders, including rural and remote communities, many of whom work outdoors and so may be at higher risk of developing a melanoma. We are really excited about the potential this van gives us to further take our messages around the country”, says Ms Newland.
Each year Ryman Healthcare’s 18,000 residents and staff choose a charity partner to raise funds for. Ryman Healthcare matches any money raised and has given away more than $4 million for charity causes including breast cancer, stroke and Alzheimers.

About Ryman Healthcare:

Ryman was founded in 1984 and has become one of New Zealand’s largest listed companies. The company owns and operates 45 retirement villages in New Zealand and Australia which are home to more than 13,900 residents and the company employs 6,800 team members.

Media advisory: For further information, photos, interviews or comment please contact our media team on

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