August 7 is Aged Care Employee Day.
We take the opportunity to honour our compassionate and dedicated carers. Introducing Helen Danielsen, who has worked in the Special Care Unit at Ernest Rutherford Village for 15 years.
When Senior Caregiver Helen Danielsen first joined the Ernest Rutherford Special Care team, it was working the night shift as it was the perfect job to manage while she raised her children as a single mum.
“My mum would come over and I could go to work, then I’d be home in time to get them up and ready for school in the morning, sleep then up to pick them up.”
While she didn’t get to know the residents at that point, it proved to be a perfect training ground for when she moved to the day shift.
“I love interacting with the residents, from helping them to get ready for the day to joining in with exercising and having fun with them.
“Life doesn’t have to be serious and if I can make them smile with my terrible singing then that’s great. Or if all it takes is for me to hold their hand and reassure them that it’s going to be okay then I’ll take that as a win too.”
Helen says some days can be more tiring or challenging than others: “I certainly get my 10,000 steps in a day, sometimes before lunch, but it’s so rewarding.
“To be a caregiver, especially in Special Care, patience is a must. Kindness goes without saying and to have a willingness to communicate with your residents.”
Last year, Helen won Caregiver of the Year at Ryman’s annual awards, something she says was an incredible honour, but equally a complete shock.
It was Village Manager Sam Ferrick who nominated Helen for the Ryman award, describing her as ‘the epitome of everything Ryman and everything a resident could hope for in a carer’.
“She undertakes her role with dedication, warmth and patience. She exhibits the Ryman characteristics on a daily basis, wrapped in good humour and all of this after 15 years of working with us.”
Sam said Helen’s resilience, willingness and frequency with which she goes above and beyond supported not only her residents but the wider team and Ryman’s reputation in the Nelson area.
“She represents Ernest Rutherford at the funerals for her residents, and has a wonderful rapport with family members and next of kin, that enhances Ryman’s reputation and that of our dementia unit around the wider community.”
Sam also added: “I cannot endorse Helen more, nor could I imagine a more deserving recipient of Caregiver of the Year.”
For Helen, while it was an honour to win the award, it made no difference to her dedication and love for her residents.
“If you want to be the best for your residents, enjoy your job,” she says. “I love working in Special Care, I’m proud of the unit and I couldn’t think of anywhere I’d rather be.”