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Epic inaugural bowls battle at Murray Halberg

Written by Maryvonne Gray | Jun 2, 2020 2:16:12 AM

The brand new bowling green at Murray Halberg Retirement Village has officially been declared open.
In an epic contest pitching Operations versus Construction, Project Manager Ross Duxfield squared off against Village Manager Grant Costello for the first roll up ever to take place on the green, which also happened to be Grant’s birthday.
Ross said he hoped it could become a new Ryman tradition between the operations and construction teams to add a bit of fun to village life.
“This could be the start of something,” he said.
With both managers proclaiming their minimal bowls experience before the warm up, a few misdirected throws by Grant saw Ross take an early lead.
Not for long though as Grant quickly found his mojo and made a swift comeback.
The game proceeded to be neck and neck with Ross overtaking Grant before Grant again came back to tie 5-5.
After taking a quick phone call, which Grant denied involved any last minute coaching tips, the triumphant village manager took out the win 6-5.
The pair celebrated with an appropriately distanced ‘handshake’.
Grant said it was the perfect way to lay claim to the green after the handover from construction, and not a bad birthday present either!
The residents will now get to enjoy bowls at the Lynfield village from this week onwards.